Friday, March 26, 2010

No Hot Water

There will be no hot water in The Icon, Wednesday March 31st from 9-5. Try and shower before as cold showers are no fun!


  1. More like there will be no water entirely. I can't believe I had to find this out here, and now, instead of my own building letting me know in advance. How can you turn off ALL water to an entire condo facility for 8 hours straight without an emergency? Is this normal? Legal? I'm so pissed.

    Not only that, but today is the day the building decided they wanted me home for a new fire alarm repair. I got a letter for that a month ago, sadly it said nothing of keeping me home all day (an 8 hour questionable wait period) without water... Thanks ICON, you assholes...

  2. I hear you Randy... Today was the one day I didn't have showings and was planning on doing my laundry etc... What a nightmare!
    Looks like it is running now... just no warm water. :-)


Please contact us if you are looking to sell or buy a unit at The Icon Condo on Wellington